gift shop at museo

Shop Policies

Occasionally errors occur when entering an item description and/or price. There may also be times when an item listed for sale online has actually been sold in the physical store, and not yet marked as such. If a mistake has been made, we will contact you to provide an alternative item or refund. Unfortunately, we cannot honor listings with incorrect prices.


Shipping is calculated directly through the carrier in the checkout. If, due to their calculations, there seems to be significant disparity in the shipping costs we will make every effort to rectify the situation.

Personal shipping options and local delivery may be available, please call us at 360 221 7737 to inquire.


Because our items are handmade by independents artists, all purchases are considered final. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis and are subject to conditions.

We want you to be confident in your purchase. Please contact us if you would like additional photos of products we have in our shop.