All my work is strongly rooted in the estuarine edges of a landscape where fertile farmland meets the saltwater flats. The dynamic geometry of a maritime environment is unique: the vertical punctuation of poles, fencing, suggestions of industrial elements and commerce belies the truth below the surface: a rural landscape is neither benign nor without conflict.

I am particularly intrigued with the architecture of nest-like objects found within that landscape. Whether paintings or drawings, they are “built” on the paper from the inside out, starting with random, clumsy lines and soft contours and then growing outward to twiggy lines of greater intention and finesse.

I am keenly interested in the energy, centrifugal force and gravity of these objects; how can something so soft and round take shape from rigid lines? How can something that appears so fragile be so strong? Do they represent shelter, safety or loss?

 A nesting bird makes a thousand trips or more out into the world to retrieve construction materials for these diminutive structures. Drawing them has given me a deep respect for their architects and builders.

Paintings on this page are represented of artist’s work, please inquire for current availability.